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'Tis The Season


'Tis The Season

  02:57:31 pm, Categories: efficiencies , Tags: end of year, taxes

Well, it's that time of year once again.

The holidays are over, and we now get to set our eyes on the next eagerly anticipated date, tax day.

'Tis the season to dig out all of the receipts for the past year, categorize them, add them all up, and enter them into the P&L spreadsheet

Time to spend hours on the phone trying to dig up all of the Tax ID numbers that you're missing from those you've paid money to over the year.

Time to break out the electric typewriter, and set upon filling in all the 1099s and W2s that need to be issued to your employees and carriers.

Time to find out, too late of course, that an asset purchase prior to the end of the year would have saved you big dollars in taxes.

Isn't there a better way? Yes.

Trucking software is the better way. With a good trucking software package, all of your revenue and expenses are entered daily, as you process the day's work load. Each fuel purchase, every road expense, all truck repairs, are categorized as you pay for them (or as you accrue the debt).

In fact, good trucking software will allow you to download automatically many of your road expenses directly from your fuel provider shortly after the purchases occur.

You can see from day to day exactly where you are at for each category year to date. At the end of the year, you press a button and out comes the paperwork that needs to be submitted to your CPA for final approval.

With good trucking software, printing your W2s and 1099s is as simple as sticking the forms in your printer and hitting "print".


So what's holding you back? Is it the time and money that you're currently investing in a) manually calculating your figures, or b) wasting time with poor trucking software that leaves you doing many things manually anyway? Time to break the cycle once and for all.

'Tis the season.

Greg Dodson
TruckMaster Solution Provider
TruckMaster Your Trucking Company

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